Stoke that fire with your brothers…
Therapy doesn’t have to be experienced laying on a couch. It doesn’t have to be stuffy or uncomfortable. Peer-to-peer counseling has proven to be one of the most natural and effective tools in the effort to improve mental wealth. Side X Side takes the power of Peer to Peer and mixes it with some fun, trust and fire. Small warrior groups enjoy an array of activities in various environments alongside their peers. Activities include sporting clay shoots, 3-gun or tactical competitions, fishing, hunting, rucking, racing, networking dinners, and the list goes on! These play a critical role in allowing organic, healing conversation to take place. While these conversations don’t always happen, when they do, its magic especially around a fire. Peer-to-peer conversations can start the healing process, establish connections and more importantly, provide clarity of purpose!
Join us for some of our clay and multi gun competitions with some amazing Americans!
Say more? These trips lead to organic conversation and long lasting friendships.
We have partnered with Spartan Races to send Service Members to race together!
Get ready to build your team up by taking on the twists and turns of the river together!
Join us for one of our upcoming From Boots 2 Business Networking events!